Thursday, March 10, 2011

3/10/11 Question number 3

      I am writing my paper on anxiety, depression, and loneliness. I am going to explore why traditional college students into depression and loneliness. My question that I am going to find an answer for: Why do traditional college students end up lonely and depressed? I arrived at this research because sometimes I feel lonely and it makes me depressed at times and I wanted to know how to move towards stopping it for all college students from being lonely. It interests me because I am sometimes lonely and depressed by it and I want to find the reason why some people when they go to college are afraid to meet new people. I wish to explore what is are the common causes of loneliness and depression in today’s college students, and what we can do to try and help college students break out of their “shells” and go meet new people and not be lonely. I think part of the reason for people that are lonely are from a place where they knew everyone and they did not want to meet new people and when they aren’t talking to anyone, and they don’t know how to meet new people and when they have to be in a new place and have to make friends they don’t know what to do. I am like that I have been there and I found my friends through my roommate and my roommates friends and now I have a best friend that lives here on campus and now I don’t feel lonely or depressed anymore. I think I want to find out why I was like when I first moved here.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

1)  Select a hip-hop artist (e.g. If you do not listen to hip-hop, any other music genre will do) to investigate. How does h/she establish ethos with his/her audience?
I think that one of the most famous main stream rappers of today is Eminem. He always raps about his life his family and problems he had in the past, he also raps about the things that brought him up from where he was in the past. In his past he has lived through hard times and has had a very troublesome home life. I think that if he raps about this it is very credible because he has been through things most of us have not had to deal with. He also raps about how he loves his daughter even though he cannot be there all the time. He raps about things that he has been through and things that he thinks are right and don’t rap about sex, drugs, money, or killing people. When most rappers rap they only rap about things that are nonrealistic in real life, but Eminem has a way of raping so that it is a real life feeling and a real feel that he has actually experienced all of these things. When I want to listen to a real rap song I go to Eminem because I want to listen to something real instead of listening to something fake about things I will never own. I want to listen to someone that will tell me a story of real event that could happen or could possibly happen in real life.

Monday, December 13, 2010

  • What is the thesis for your paper?
In my life I never really like reading very much, I always thought it was boring and lonely
  • List the main points you make in your paper.
1. I dis like books
2. My parents read but they did not force me to read.
3. I feel lonley when I read
4. I have a hard time comprehnding thing I read and understanding what i read.
  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
They helped me with my grammer and my helped me with explaining more on some pionts that i made.
  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpfull thing I recieved was was that it is just like task 3.
  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I made one draft the day before it was due.
  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I worked harder to make this paper better than task 3.
  • What are most pleased with about this paper?
I was most pleased that i got to get my feellings about reading and what happens when I read
How have you become a better reader and/or writer?
 I think that blogging has helped me a lot in writing and in reading. It helped me read because I had to read to understand what I had to blog about. I actually had to read and that seemed to help too. But when it came to writing it helped me a bunch I feel that I am better as a writer because I know how to actually pore myself into what I had to write and it helped me write honestly and consider what I was going to write. When I write I feel more confident when I write on assignments and on my tasks. I feel that this was the best semester of English I have ever had. I have learned more this semester than I have my whole life. I have learned so much more that I feel confident to write big papers and do it and try my best to write papers.
What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course?
            I really like using the blog because you can turn in your homework in right away, instead of worrying about losing it. Blogging feels like it is a lot faster and can put more what you mean into what you write. I like that when you blog something your professor can comment on your work and give you feed back right when you are done.  I like that you can customize the way your blogs look and make it look professional.  Blogging is a good way to show how you can have other people look at your blog to see what you wrote.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Lonely Good Company of Books Question #1

                In my life I have read no books for pleasure only if I had to read them in a class. Most of the time I feel like it is boring to read I would do it if it excited me and made me want to read, but I have not found any book that makes me want to read. In the past I have tried to read books, but when I do I always pick one that is interesting but it is very hard to read and it makes me quit reading. Most of the time when I find something I like to read I get about three fourths of the way into it and I quit reading it. I never understood why I do it either.
                When I read by myself I read at about the same speed as everyone else but when I read out loud I read really slow and choppy. That is probably the reason I don’t read much when people heard me read they would make fun of me and call me names and it made me dislike reading even more. The worst part about that is my friends would do it too and that made it hurt even more. But look at me now I am in college trying to make something of myself and they are still living with their parents not working and going nowhere in life.
                Rodriguez and I are very different in things we like to do he liked to read and stay inside and read, but I always could not set still long enough to read and I always wanted to be in different spots all the time. I read things he did not understand just to say he read it, but I would look at something and if I did not understand it I would walk away from it because I was afraid of stuff I did not understand.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work Cited Page

Loen Botstien "Let Tee-Agers Try Adulthood" Introduction to College Writing Boston:
   The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010: 205-207

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflections for task 3

       In task three I am going to be writing about "Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood" by Leon Botstien. I am going to write about how I disagree with the things he says about getting rid of middle school and how when I was 16 i was not ready for the real world and there is no way i could have got through high school without middle school. I am going to talk about how I agree about how the sports are more important than the classes when it should be the other way around. I will also agree with Botstien in his statment that the rulls in high school are nothing like the rulls in real life, and college. I will disagree with what he says about students need to work for two years before they go into college because there was no way I would have when if i just went strain to work.