Friday, October 22, 2010

Let Teen-Agers With Adulthood question 1

         I think in Leon Botstein essay “Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood” he is trying to talk to the adults that run school and older people that is not in high school. He is trying to talk the people that can change something in the high school program and purpose and not people that cant do anything to change the high school program for the future.

         I think that his appeal is some what effective. I think that if you believe in this concept than you will believe in it. If you oppose it then you will get mad and throw some what of a fit because Botstein did not use any information from the other side to give pros and cons about the whole topic and he does not list or say anything of why it does help students or why they are ready to inter the real world yet, or how they are not mature enough for high shool when they are in sixth grade.
          Botstein structures his essay to be one sided and to get people to agree with him and to get them to agree with him or to see his point of view. He makes it one sided and does not get any facts about the other side so that you only think about the way he feels so that you don’t want to think about the other side either. But also if you have not thought about this subject of changing the high school program so that you can feel more to be on his side and not on the other.

1 comment:

  1. HI Clay,

    You bring up an excellent point that the essay is one-sided. I wish that we would have discussed this in class because it is a good point. Because of the points that Botstein does raise, he does not offer any supporting details to suggest why we should not remove middle school or allow students to graduate at 18. Why do you think that he wrote this as one-sided argument?

    Ms. C
