Friday, September 10, 2010

On Becoming a Chicano

I am a white if that is what you want to call it. I have white skin but that does not mean anything. It does not describe my personality or it is a trait like blue eyes or blond hair. I have never really had too many struggles with my racial identity. Most people just think I am a normal person. A couple of people have called me a cracker before or a crazy white boy but that’s it, and it really doesn’t bother me. So I don’t worry about it.

I have struggled academically like Rodriguez we both struggled in English but unfortunately English is my natural language. I have always been bad at spelling and grammar. Some teachers thought I had a learning disability, but I grew up and everything started clicking in all subjects. Now I get good grades most of the time I have to work hard and apply myself, but I am a hard working person so it I not hard on that part for me. Some people made funny of me for being “stupid” but now I am in college and they are still living with their families. When I was a lot younger, in grade school, I could not do my homework alone my mom and my dad would basically do my homework for me, when I should have been doing it alone. After I got to into seventh grade my mind started clicking and everything is a lot easier and I get it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clay,

    Unfortunately we live in a world where others are always quick to judge. I am sorry that there have been some who have judged you. Why do you think that Rodriguez feels like an outsider? How do you think he is perceived by his community as the dominant power structure (e.g. white) refer to him as a Chicano intellectual? Why?

    Ms. C
