Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Task One Evaluation

· What would you like for the instructor to know?
I would like the instructer to know that that worked really hard on the paper and i took every thing that you said that i need change and i changed it to fit what you wanted to know about.
· What would you like for the audience to know?
I would like the audience to know more about my Coach thats why I wrote the paper.
· What would you like feedback on specifically?
I would like to know if the paper was good, I am not confidence a writer right now.
· Tell the readers about the strengths and weaknesses of task one.
One of the strengths of the paper was that is that you really get to know how much Coach Les means to me
One of the weaknesses of the paper was that when i wrote my paper the first time I just made a lot of erroers in the paper.
· Where did you excel and why?
Once i figured out what my topic was i wrote my paper really fast with very few witers blocks.
· Where did you struggle?
I struggled what my topic was going to be, it took me untill i started writing to figure it out.

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