Monday, December 13, 2010

  • What is the thesis for your paper?
In my life I never really like reading very much, I always thought it was boring and lonely
  • List the main points you make in your paper.
1. I dis like books
2. My parents read but they did not force me to read.
3. I feel lonley when I read
4. I have a hard time comprehnding thing I read and understanding what i read.
  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
They helped me with my grammer and my helped me with explaining more on some pionts that i made.
  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpfull thing I recieved was was that it is just like task 3.
  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I made one draft the day before it was due.
  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I worked harder to make this paper better than task 3.
  • What are most pleased with about this paper?
I was most pleased that i got to get my feellings about reading and what happens when I read
How have you become a better reader and/or writer?
 I think that blogging has helped me a lot in writing and in reading. It helped me read because I had to read to understand what I had to blog about. I actually had to read and that seemed to help too. But when it came to writing it helped me a bunch I feel that I am better as a writer because I know how to actually pore myself into what I had to write and it helped me write honestly and consider what I was going to write. When I write I feel more confident when I write on assignments and on my tasks. I feel that this was the best semester of English I have ever had. I have learned more this semester than I have my whole life. I have learned so much more that I feel confident to write big papers and do it and try my best to write papers.
What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course?
            I really like using the blog because you can turn in your homework in right away, instead of worrying about losing it. Blogging feels like it is a lot faster and can put more what you mean into what you write. I like that when you blog something your professor can comment on your work and give you feed back right when you are done.  I like that you can customize the way your blogs look and make it look professional.  Blogging is a good way to show how you can have other people look at your blog to see what you wrote.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Lonely Good Company of Books Question #1

                In my life I have read no books for pleasure only if I had to read them in a class. Most of the time I feel like it is boring to read I would do it if it excited me and made me want to read, but I have not found any book that makes me want to read. In the past I have tried to read books, but when I do I always pick one that is interesting but it is very hard to read and it makes me quit reading. Most of the time when I find something I like to read I get about three fourths of the way into it and I quit reading it. I never understood why I do it either.
                When I read by myself I read at about the same speed as everyone else but when I read out loud I read really slow and choppy. That is probably the reason I don’t read much when people heard me read they would make fun of me and call me names and it made me dislike reading even more. The worst part about that is my friends would do it too and that made it hurt even more. But look at me now I am in college trying to make something of myself and they are still living with their parents not working and going nowhere in life.
                Rodriguez and I are very different in things we like to do he liked to read and stay inside and read, but I always could not set still long enough to read and I always wanted to be in different spots all the time. I read things he did not understand just to say he read it, but I would look at something and if I did not understand it I would walk away from it because I was afraid of stuff I did not understand.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work Cited Page

Loen Botstien "Let Tee-Agers Try Adulthood" Introduction to College Writing Boston:
   The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010: 205-207

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflections for task 3

       In task three I am going to be writing about "Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood" by Leon Botstien. I am going to write about how I disagree with the things he says about getting rid of middle school and how when I was 16 i was not ready for the real world and there is no way i could have got through high school without middle school. I am going to talk about how I agree about how the sports are more important than the classes when it should be the other way around. I will also agree with Botstien in his statment that the rulls in high school are nothing like the rulls in real life, and college. I will disagree with what he says about students need to work for two years before they go into college because there was no way I would have when if i just went strain to work.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Let Teen-Agers With Adulthood question 1

         I think in Leon Botstein essay “Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood” he is trying to talk to the adults that run school and older people that is not in high school. He is trying to talk the people that can change something in the high school program and purpose and not people that cant do anything to change the high school program for the future.

         I think that his appeal is some what effective. I think that if you believe in this concept than you will believe in it. If you oppose it then you will get mad and throw some what of a fit because Botstein did not use any information from the other side to give pros and cons about the whole topic and he does not list or say anything of why it does help students or why they are ready to inter the real world yet, or how they are not mature enough for high shool when they are in sixth grade.
          Botstein structures his essay to be one sided and to get people to agree with him and to get them to agree with him or to see his point of view. He makes it one sided and does not get any facts about the other side so that you only think about the way he feels so that you don’t want to think about the other side either. But also if you have not thought about this subject of changing the high school program so that you can feel more to be on his side and not on the other.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why College Fails Us question #1

            In college in the brief time I have been in college I have experiences a lot of different things. I have experienced that you can spend a lot more time with your friends than you could in high school because you live with them. I also have experienced that teachers are a lot better than the teachers that you have in high school and you lean more and have a lot more homework than in high school. In college you have a lot of freedom and a lot less time in class. But I feel that I have already doubled my knowledge in English and computer applications and how too study and prepare my self for homework and tests.
           I came to college for many reasons. I came because I want a good job although college does not garintee a good job. I also came because I like learning new things even if it is hard for me to understand it, but I dedicate myself to what ever I do and I am not a quitter.

             I do believe college is worth the time, effort, and expense. I think it is worth the time because you meet some really great people and make some good friends. I think college is worth the effort because you will hopefully know how to make yourself do your job when you get out even if it is not in your major. Hopefully the expense is worth it as long as you end up with a descent job and can pay for the loans in the future.

Monday, October 18, 2010

  • What is the thesis for your paper?
    • He worked very hard to make sure i would go to college, so that I would not have the same problems he had when I decide I want to start a family.
  • List the main points you make in your paper.
    •  my father not graduating
    • working many jobs due to not having an education
    • how he thinks education is really important
  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
    • Two of the most helpful peer reveiw things are to not repat my self and fixing my grammer errors.
  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
    • I think the most helpful informtion i receved was how to set up my outline because once i set that up I just started writing my paper with very little problems.
  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
    • Well I started off with an outline the I sat down at my computer and typed the whole thing up and i made revicements mutiple times.
  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
    • I feel that i did not discribe enough on the how my father feels about education.
  • What are most pleased with about this paper?
  • I am pleased that every one that read it liked it and i feel that i did a good job on the paper as a whole.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interview Quetions

What questions still remain?
I feel that all my questions were anserwed.
How did it go?
I feel that it went good and I learned alot about my dad.
Where did you conduct it?
I conducted it on Facebook for like 3 hours.
What did you learn?
I learned that my dad my dad's family did not help him get a diploma after all the work he put into getting one.
How do you intend to transition to the writing process?
I will make an outline and then make a paper based on the outline.
What concerns do you have?
The only concern i have is getting a good grade.
How do you expect to overcome them?
i Hope for a better grade than the last paper.

sorry this was posted so late i had a problem posting it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Becoming Educated Question 2

Back in high school the teachers always tried to scare me with college to make it seem like it would be the hardest thing I would have ever seen. I found out they were half right. Yes college is hard, but I think it could have been harder if I did not have a tutoring place that I can go to whenever I need help and I would make friends in the class that I would be able get help from them as well. Also it is not so bad because if you pay attention to the instructor and take good notes you will be fine. I also did not expect all of the teachers to be as good as they are. i did not have very many teachers that taught as well as the teachers in college do.
Well as this is my first time at college and I do not have very much college experience I think it is hard for me to say we have similarities. But I guess there are some I have been thought of as a stupid person by some teachers and when I would be struggling in a class I would had a teacher that thought it was fun to call on me. Even though she knew I did not know the answer to what she was asking, she called on me anyways. Because they were bad teachers most of the class and I did not learn anything and they never did anything about it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Questions for Task Two

1. Why did you choose to not finish high school?
I chose this because my father did not finsh high school and I want to know why and it goes along with my paper.
2. What was the hardest part of High School?
I choose this because it it has to go along with the fact he did not finish High School
3. When did you first deside you wanted to quit High School?
I chose to ask this because I would like to know why and it also is part of why I am here today.
4. Where, other than school, did you spend most of your time in High School, and Why?
I think this had an affect on why he did not finish High School.
5. What did you do outside of school that may have distracted you from high school?
This question also played a facter in him not graduating

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Casa Question 1

                I believe that all of the cuentos were women’s stories because it was a grandmother trying to prepare the women for married life and all of it’s the ups and downs. Also to tell the women how to protect themselves, so that they would not be hurt the same way that these women in the stories have been hurt. It is mostly for the women in the family to protect the women in the family.
            I think that some stories that would be from the other stories would be taking care of the family and war stories. Also stories that are about hard work to take care of you families to protect and care for them, to be the provider for the family and be the head of the family. Some of the stories could be about how to survive in war so they could fight for their country and come back to provide for the family. Also there could be stories of war that they might have had when they fought for their country. They also could tell stories about how to survive in a place where you don’t have much to survive on.
            I think that there could be many people telling these stories on the male side. It could be from the wise old grandfather that has the most experience of all. Could be a father telling a curiouscuriouscuriouscurios son. An uncle telling nephew about things that the father won’t tell. Also an older brother talking to a younger brother that may have a few questions about certain subjects he cant talk to his father about.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sister Flowers (question 4)

           My home town is New Bloomfield, Missouri a small town about eleven miles away from Jefferson City, Missouri. It is a small town that has about 600 people and not very much diversity and if something is different than what you are used to then people what you to stay away from it. Some people in the town believe that if you are different or do not have the same beliefs about everything then they will try to avoid you and most people in the town do not have open minds. It made me think that the world acted like this all over. But as I got older I knew that it could not be this way and I knew that people had to have open minds about defenses among people. Well I was glad to see when I got to college a bunch of different people and different people and cultures that I could learn about and learn new things that people do based on their cutlers and backgrounds.
            Coming from a small town was also weird when I came to college because my freshman class has more people in it than my whole town and it is a little overwhelming for me and it makes me. It makes me feel like not talking to people because there are so many people. It is not like my town because I was friends with almost everyone in my school now every day I see about fifteen people I have never seen before and I am not used to it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Task Two Questoins

1. Why are you interested in these subjects?
As of right now i really dont know who i am going to write about because all if my family are 300 miles away, so i will have to find someone here in St. Joe but i dont know who.
2. What makes him/her interesting and unique?
I Will look for some one that i think will have a very good and interesting story.
3. What sort of questions would you ask and why?
 What inspioerd you for this choice in your life?
Why did you deside that you choice for your life?
and some more open questions.
4.What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two?
Finding someone to interview and making up questions.
5. What do you anticipate? Why?
 I anticipate that this could be a very fun task if i interview the right person.
6.What questions do you have for Task Two?
What are some good open ended questions to ask?

Self-Evaluation (the right one)

-What is the thesis for your paper?
“Change the world” he always told me. In my life I had many inspirations, my parents, my grandparents, and kids that have diseases and still manage to be stronger than me, but only one person and one thing completely turned my life around.
-List the main points you make in your paper.
  • I was a terible stusent in elementry school.
  • I was Coach Les's project child.
  • I would have to work hard academically to wrestle.
  • How i wrestled over the years and got better at it.
  • How I stayed away from drugs and alcohol.
  • how i started out bad in school then got better when I got older.
  • The things Coach Les taught me
-What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
That I needed to ad more detail and explain better about some of the people in my story. 
-What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
Everything that Ms. Chastain told me was wrong with my paper.
-How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I wrote 2 drafts and i just sat down, started writing at me laptop, and i just did it all at one time
-What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I would take more time on the first draft, so that it would be better and i could atleast have less to fix on it when i do the final copy.
-What are most pleased with about this paper?
What pleased me best about my paper is  on the feedback i receved when i was handed back my first draft.

Task One Evaluation

· What would you like for the instructor to know?
I would like the instructer to know that that worked really hard on the paper and i took every thing that you said that i need change and i changed it to fit what you wanted to know about.
· What would you like for the audience to know?
I would like the audience to know more about my Coach thats why I wrote the paper.
· What would you like feedback on specifically?
I would like to know if the paper was good, I am not confidence a writer right now.
· Tell the readers about the strengths and weaknesses of task one.
One of the strengths of the paper was that is that you really get to know how much Coach Les means to me
One of the weaknesses of the paper was that when i wrote my paper the first time I just made a lot of erroers in the paper.
· Where did you excel and why?
Once i figured out what my topic was i wrote my paper really fast with very few witers blocks.
· Where did you struggle?
I struggled what my topic was going to be, it took me untill i started writing to figure it out.

Friday, September 10, 2010

On Becoming a Chicano

I am a white if that is what you want to call it. I have white skin but that does not mean anything. It does not describe my personality or it is a trait like blue eyes or blond hair. I have never really had too many struggles with my racial identity. Most people just think I am a normal person. A couple of people have called me a cracker before or a crazy white boy but that’s it, and it really doesn’t bother me. So I don’t worry about it.

I have struggled academically like Rodriguez we both struggled in English but unfortunately English is my natural language. I have always been bad at spelling and grammar. Some teachers thought I had a learning disability, but I grew up and everything started clicking in all subjects. Now I get good grades most of the time I have to work hard and apply myself, but I am a hard working person so it I not hard on that part for me. Some people made funny of me for being “stupid” but now I am in college and they are still living with their families. When I was a lot younger, in grade school, I could not do my homework alone my mom and my dad would basically do my homework for me, when I should have been doing it alone. After I got to into seventh grade my mind started clicking and everything is a lot easier and I get it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How it Feels to Be Colored Me

There are a few labels I give myself. I feel sometimes that I am over weight when I am around a bunch of people that are skinnier than me. I also label myself as a very shy person until I break out my shell. I label myself as a funny man but most people never get to see it because I am too shy to show it. I also see myself as a gamer. I also label myself as a county boy, or a redneck sometimes but I don’t show that all the time. I am also a hunter. Those are some of the things I label myself as.

In my day-to-day life these labels fallow me everywhere I go. When I walk around and see skinny people I think about how I am overweight. I consider myself to be funny because I make jokes and make a lot of people laugh at me. When I am in class I sit and look around at people and I don’t know what to say to them because I don’t know how to start a conversation and I feel uncomfortable around new people. I am a gamer because I play a lot of video games. I am a county boy because I love to be out in the county and with my dogs and working outside. I label myself as a hunter because I hunt deer, turkey, squirrels, rabbits, and raccoons. That is how my labels fit into my day-to-day life.

I feel that all people are different no matter what they look like everyone has different personalities. Looks don’t matter in my opinion. In my day-to-day day I feel that Hurston and I are the same. We have these feelings about our self and we do not let other people know it. She feels like a black person up against a whit wall like I feel like I am hiding behind a very small tree. That is just some of the ways that I am the same as her.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rite of Passage

I chose: question number 1.

Well most of my grandparents are still alive right now and I remember a lot about them. I remember that my mom’s parents had ten children. They always say that they are proud of us and they always say they loved us. I would spend over three quarters of my summers at their house when I was young and they always wanted us over at their house. I remember that my grandpa wanted me to pick corn for him all summer but I never complained to him I just shut up and worked even though I really wanted to play video games and watch television. My grandpa always watched Days of Our Lives every day until he died and he even got me into it. My grandma is like a mom to about half the people that I know and a lot of people love her like she is their mom. She always had someone at her house teaching them how to play the piano.

On the other side of my family my father’s side my great grandparents were still alive for most of my life and my great grandma is still alive. My great grandpa was a fisherman and a hunter. He grew old and died of dementia when I was in fifth grade. My great grandma is the sweetest old lady you could ever meet and she has never missed a birthday card in the eighteen years of my life. Both of my dad’s parents are still alive. My grandpa is a grumpy old man but he is not a bad man just not the nicest and he likes really old westerns. My grandma is more of a server and does whatever my grandpa tells her to do. I guess that is the way she is raised. I remember a lot about my grandparents because I am fortunate to have been able to spend so much time with my grandparents when others never even see or have never been able to meet their grandparents.

Task 1

In task one I think I would like to write about wrestling in high school. I had a lot of failures in wrestling that lead to my success and it helped shape me into the man I am today. Another idea that I have for task one is my track experience in high school because I loved it and it was really fun. I loved both sports they helped me meet some really fun people and it helped me make real friends that I will have for the rest of my life.

Problems that suspect will arise in the work of task one is I will have writers block in the middle of the paper and when I start of it. I could also have grammar problems and also I might change what I write about in the middle of the paper and have to start over. I probably will procrastinate and have to stay up late and be late for class again.

I anticipate many things about this paper. I think that the paper a possibility that this paper will be hard. Also I think that I will think that the whole paper will be very bad. I think that I will start over multiple times also.

I don’t have any questions as of right now but I am sure that some will come up in the future. I feel that the professor gave very good instructions when they explained it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


        I am Clayton Maupin I am in Intro to College Writing. I am from a small town in Missouri called New Bloomfield. New Bloomfield is a small town close to Jefferson City, it has about 600 people and I graduated with 49 other people. I am currently attending Missouri Western State University to get my Bachelors Degree in Business. I also want to grow and learn with friends while I attend Missouri Western.

        I write only when I have to, but sometimes, when I am bored, I sit down and do creative writing just for fun. I like making up stories just whatever comes to my head and it is entertaining and funny how crazy they are sometimes. I have written some essays and some stories in my high school English classes. I find that writing is a good way to get rid of some anger and uneasy feelings when it comes to some things.

        I am not really a big fan of reading, but I do it anyways not all the time though. I mostly read things on a computer like lyrics on the internet and sometimes postings on facebook. I don’t like reading novels because I feel like it takes too long if I have to do it for a class I will though. Contradicting what I just said I have read all of the Harry Potter books, only because it interested me because of the movies. I read magazines sometimes when it interests me like when they have wrestling articles or funny ones.